How to measure for a cock ring

Cock rings are excellent toys that can help make your erections harder. To find a cock ring that fits properly, you need to measure yourself accurately. You need to know the inner diameter of the cock ring that suits you. To obtain this diameter, you first need to measure the circumference of your penis and then calculate the diameter of the ring.

Gather the Necessary Tools

Measuring Tape: Use a measuring tape that you can easily wrap around your penis. If your measuring tape is in inches, you will need to convert the result to millimeters because most cock ring diameters are given in millimeters.To convert from inches to millimeters: multiply your result by 25.4.
A Piece of String and a Ruler: If you do not have a measuring tape, you can use a piece of string and a ruler.

    Basic Measuring Steps

    Base of the Penis

    Erect State: Measure while you are erect. Wrap the measuring tape neatly around the base of your penis. Make sure to measure several times and record the average measurement to prevent mistakes.
    Calculate Circumference: This measurement gives you the circumference of your penis.
    Calculate Diameter: Divide the circumference by 3.14 (pi) to get the diameter.

      Penis and Testicles

      Measure Around Penis and Testicles: If you want to use a penis and testicle ring or a triple cock ring, make sure to measure around the penis and testicles. Wrap the tape around your cock and balls and record several measurements.
      Ensure Proper Fit: Keep the tape firmly around the balls and ensure it stays close to your body. This will give you the circumference of your cock and balls.
      Calculate Diameter: To get the diameter, divide the circumference by 3.14. Make sure to convert your result from inches to millimeters if necessary (as mentioned above). The inner diameter of the cock ring to order should be about 5-6 millimeters smaller than your penis diameter.

        Additional Tips

        What to Do if the String is Too Tight or Too Loose

        Too Tight:

        • Do not force the string or pull it excessively tight as it can constrict blood flow and be dangerous.
        • Loosen the string slightly so you can fit one finger between the string and your body comfortably.
        • Ensure you are measuring around the base of your erect penis and behind the testicles, not higher up the shaft.

        Too Loose:

        • The string should be snug but not cutting off circulation. You should just barely be able to fit one finger underneath.
        • Wrap the string again, pulling it a bit tighter until it feels snug without being painful.
        • Double-check that the string is positioned correctly at the base behind the testicles.

        If you are still having trouble getting a snug but comfortable fit with the string, try using a different material like a shoelace or thin ribbon instead of a bulky string. The key is getting an accurate circumference measurement that is neither too loose nor too tight. Take your time and adjust the string positioning and tightness until you can just slip one finger under it when erect. Proper measuring is crucial for selecting a safe and effective cock ring size.

        Measuring for a Curved Penis

        If you have a curved penis, follow these steps to measure it accurately:

        Erect State: Get an erection. Measurements should be taken when fully erect.

        Flexible Measuring Tape: Use a flexible measuring tape or string instead of a rigid ruler. This will allow you to conform the measurement to the curve of your penis.


        • Place the start of the measuring tape at the base of your penis where it meets the pubic bone. Push past any excess fat to get right against the pubic bone.
        • Lay the measuring tape along the top curved side of your shaft, following the curve all the way to the tip. Do not measure along the underside.
        • Note the length measurement at the tip of your penis while keeping the tape conformed to the curve.

        Girth Measurement: Wrap the measuring tape around the thickest part of the curved shaft and note that circumference measurement.


        The key points are using a flexible tape that can bend to your specific curve, measuring from the pubic bone along the top curved side, and taking measurements when fully erect. A rigid ruler will not account for the curve accurately. If you have a severe curve or any pain with erections, it's recommended to discuss this with your doctor, as it could indicate an underlying condition like Peyronie's disease.

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